Aleksandra Krawczuk: "Rome and Jerusalem", chapter entitled: "On the Faith of the Hellenes".
"It is important to realize that there is a vast difference between a truth arrived at through diligent examination and personal effort, and a viewpoint that is merely nurtured because it has been passively adopted through tradition. The latter persists in its customary form, regardless of whether it is correct or erroneous. No one rejoices upon inheriting true beliefs, nor does anyone fret if they suspect them to be false. Quite simply, no one ponders over this matter, proceeding in this domain not according to their own discernment and judgment, but rather in accordance with a certain prejudice. Who investigates, who deliberates what our ancestors had in mind when establishing a particular custom and introducing a specific religious view? Everyone dutifully approves of tradition and even takes pride in it. Yet, in reality, one can only hope that fate has been kind and that what one inherits from one's parents is indeed true, good, and valuable. Indeed, it is not so easy to cast off the garment to which one has become accustomed. It is not even easy when one perceives it as worn-out, tattered, or even ludicrous..." Building the Rotation Theory required a completely independent view of the author. As an architect and engineer, he sees physics as a strict tool for creating technology. That's what this project is. Since man himself, as a product (instrument) of nature, is a technology, information physics concerns us.
Marlena N. Witek